Quality Artifacts and Fossils From the Southeast
~ First Class ~ Excellent Oseola Greenbrier Point -Type 1 ~
Length: 2 1/4"
Grade: 9.5
Description: Exceptionally fine thin well-made Greenbrier Point made of burnt ornage raw Chert. The Greenbrier point has a wide distributionand are Late Paleo transitioning into Early Archaic, This example is from north Florida. You can see the technology for fluting the base of the blade is still being used with 2 shallow parallel flute strikes on one side and on the other there is one broad singular flute strike. All of the fluting on the base leaves a platform or nipple in the center of the base. On this example the nipples was ground off. The base and the rounded ears have been ground smooth. The blade edges have been sharpened by carefully executed by fine pressure flaking. Very, very thin, complete and whole in every detail including a sharp tip.
Provenance: Found on private property with permission Hamilton Co. Florida.